D.S's Interactive Design

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This project is about the variations of casting the poem in different ways of coding.

An PSA event page in adovacting the rights of the Dryad People(Half-Tree/Half-Human)

Republish a text through social media giving it whole new meaning.The images represents the excerpt of Dante's Inferno

This whole website. Nothing said, okay! Do you really need to check it out?

Sentence Generator

Random generator with many words. It's like mad libs man!

Starter Kit!

A kit that gets me start on doing variations of my poem!

Malevich Boxes

Boxes. Boxes everywhere.

Postioning Demo!

Just align and setting stuff in some places

Jquery Experimentation!

My exposure to the JQuery trials. It was fun!


Something changes when your cursor hovers over something

Responsive Page!

Scaling the page that reacts

Flex Grids

My guide in making guides.

Exercise 9?

Now making guides....which leads to my final project here.